Resilient Venice: Adapting to Climate Change
Step into an immersive panoramic view of St. Mark’s Plaza and experience for yourself how the rising waters impact the city. Then test different strategies for protecting coastal cities and infrastructure in a digital and interactive table experience. See how climate change is already affecting Venice and take an active part in protecting the city with additional interactives like installing doorway barriers to protect a gelateria from localized flooding and exploring a model of a section of the lagoon-wide MOSE barrier system built to protect the entire city. Experience how we can implement solutions that offer hope for adapting to the effects of climate change.
In Search of Thoreau’s Flowers: An Exploration of Change and Loss
May 15th, 2022 – December 31st, 2022
In Search of Thoreau’s Flowers is a multisensory experience that marries art and science through a modern interpretation of Henry David Thoreau’s preserved plants. The exhibition invites visitors to experience emotionally resonant connections to the profound loss of natural diversity caused by human-induced climate change and urges us to ask, “what do Thoreau’s findings tell us about what plants are winning, and what plants are losing, in the face of climate change today?”
Fenway Farms Rooftop Garden at Boston Children’s Museum
Spring 2022
The Red Sox are bringing Fenway Farms to the Boston Children’s Museum! The new space at Boston Children’s Museum will provide produce and herbs for the facility and hands-on educational opportunities for youth to learn about sustainability and the life cycle of plants and how they influence the environment around them. The garden will change seasonally and will include plants and vegetables, some of which will be shared with the Museum’s animal life, including red leaf lettuce for the turtles on exhibit. Fenway Farms at Boston Children’s Museum is scheduled to open to public programs in the Spring of 2022.
What’s On Now and What’s Coming Soon
New England Climate Stories
By exploring three ecosystems representing the region’s most biodiverse and recognizable environments, see how the climate crisis is changing the habitats and lives of plants and animals across New England. Some plants and animals are adapting or thriving as the climate changes, while others are struggling or competing with rival species moving north. With a little help from the Museum’s live animal ambassadors, collections, and digitally projected interactives, you’ll gain an appreciation for the abundance of life across New England, and how their lives are changing along with the climate.
More or Less in Common: Environment and Justice in the Human Landscape
March 18th, 2022 – November 2022
Educational and Family Programs
The Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center presents a free 8-month exhibition examining how environmental protection and social justice (and injustice) have been woven together in the past, present, and future.
Olmsted Now
April 2022 – December 2022
2022 marks the bicentennial of the birth of Frederick Law Olmsted, America’s visionary maker of parks and public places. Through a yearlong platform of big ideas and bold actions, Olmsted Now—Greater Boston’s Olmsted Bicentennial—will shape a shared vision for an equitable, vibrant and verdant city.
Inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis
July 28th, 2022 – September 16th, 2022
“Inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis” exhibit at UVA's Arthaus Gallery in Allston aims to inspire everyone’s awareness and creative action to help reverse the environmental crisis. The exhibition’s works by 21 artists and curated by Adriana G. Prat, present the visitors with a sense of wonder through the perspective of multidisciplinary artists' on various aspects of the crisis, from consumerism and pollution to climate change.
Globe Summit 2022: The Next Boston
September 14th – 16th, 2022
Join The Boston Globe for Globe Summit 2022: The Next Boston. The second annual virtual event extends their award-winning journalism beyond the page with 30+ thought-provoking sessions covering everything from climate change, to extreme heat, tech, and more.
National Fossil Day: More Than Dinosaurs! (In-Person Special Event)
October 8th, 2022
Paleontology is about more than dinosaurs! Harvard paleontologists study amazing non-dinosaur fossils including early mammals, ancient invertebrates, whales, crabs, and more! Meet members of the Stephanie E. Pierce Lab for Vertebrate Paleontology and the Ortega-Hernández Lab for Invertebrate Paleontology to see their favorite fossils, learn about their research, and ask them your questions. See what new techniques and technologies are being used to study fossils, learn what fossils can teach us about evolution, and hear about current research projects.
Climate Change
Climate Change draws on the latest scientific information about our warming climate, the global and local consequences, and how to both reduce the fossil fuel emissions that cause it and prepare for its effects. This exhibit includes video and storm simulations, a “check your knowledge” interactive station, and an inside look at a high-tech Argo float from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, one of more than 4,000 deployed worldwide to monitor global oceans and climate. Developed in collaboration with the Harvard University Center for the Environment and informed by new Harvard research, the exhibit offers visitors the unfettered facts—the knowns and unknowns—about one of the greatest challenges the world faces.
Rose Kennedy Greenway Walk
The Rose Kennedy Greenway is an urban oasis thanks to its pioneering approach to landscape management, as well as its rich diversity of trees, shrubs, plants and beautiful blooms. Take a self-guided nature walk in the heart of the city. You never know what you’ll discover.
Our Green Trail
Boston Children's Museum is the first LEED certified museum in Boston and one of only a handful of Green museums across the country. Throughout the Museum you will find interactive Our Green Trail stations that tell you more about the 6,000 square foot green roof, recycling efforts, low-flow toilets, lighting conservation and more. And each station suggests some things you can try to make your house, your community and our world a greener place.
Conserve @ Home
Conserving energy not only helps save our precious natural resources, it also saves money. Explore how your household spends its energy "budget" and discover the changes you can make that will deliver the greatest savings.

The City of Boston aims to be carbon neutral by 2050, as well as resilient to the greatest climate threats. To support these efforts the Green Ribbon Commission and over 40 of Boston’s world class arts, history, sports, and entertainment organizations have partnered together to launch the Action Pact Boston campaign. Arts and culture have the power to open people's minds and help people see things in new ways. Our goal is to harness that power and encourage a sustained focus on visioning and achieving a climate-safe future.
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